Demo Exams

  • Children gain invaluable experience by sitting a timed exam. Not only will they be able to improve their time management skills, but they will also feel more relaxed and confident on exam day.
  • Every month, there will be two 11+ mock exams which includes CEM and GL assessment, posted to every subscription. Papers are posted to you online and notifications will be sent to you via email along with notification under “Notifications” bar, so your child can attempt them at his/her convenience.
  • Our mock exam questions come with Multiple Choice, Standard and Cloze question styles. We capture every moment from student examination and put in proper place to improve student performance. Upon completion of mock exams, the next day, the student will be presented in his application with three types of reports namely, Summary Report, Detailed Report and Question Report.
  • Summary Report contains: Summary report consists of Time taken to complete exam, total marks obtained, average when compared with other students, maximum marks obtained by student who appeared for this exam and minimum marks obtained.
  • Details Report contains: Detailed report consists of summary details along with topic wise feedback, strengths and challenges all in one sheet!
  • Question Report contains: Question report consists of Exam marking details and each Question with respective answer and its explanation.

Class-1 Olympiad demo


Logical, English and Grammar, Math, Science, Higher order

100 Marks

60 Min.

Start Now

Class-2 Olympiad demo


Logical, Math, Science, English and Grammar, Higher order

100 Marks

60 Min.

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Class-3 Olympiad demo


Logical, Math, Science, English and Grammar, Higher order

100 Marks

60 Min.

Start Now

Class-4 Olympiad demo


Logical, Math, Science, English and Grammar, Higher order

100 Marks

60 Min.

Start Now

Class-5 Olympiad demo


Logical, Math, Science, English and Grammar, Higher order

100 Marks

60 Min.

Start Now

Class-6 Olympiad demo


Logical, Math, Science, English and Grammar, Higher order

100 Marks

60 Min.

Start Now

Class-7 Olympiad demo


Logical, Math, Science, English and Grammar, Higher order

100 Marks

60 Min.

Start Now

Class-8 Olympiad demo


Logical, Math, Science, English and Grammar, Higher order

100 Marks

60 Min.

Start Now

Class-9 Olympiad demo


Logical, Math, Science, English and Grammar, Higher order

100 Marks

60 Min.

Start Now