
Please read the following instructions carefully

Class-9 Olympiad demo

  1. This test contains : 50 questions and you will have 60 minutes to finish the test

  2. The maximum marks awarded for this test are 100. Score for each question are shown in brackets ()

  3. A timer at the top right corner of the screen will display the remaining time. The exam will end automatically once the timer shows zero seconds or you can submit your exam after finishing the exam

  4. Work on the questions carefully and quickly. If you are unable to answer a question do not waste time time on it, instead go on to the next question. if you time left, you can come back to any skipped questions.

  5. In case you are unsure of an answer choose the one which you think is the most appropriate. You can change your answer any time during the exam by coming back to the question

  6. A question palette is given at the right of the screen. it shows the status for each question, using the following

  7. : Un-Visited : Current

    : Answered : Un-Answered

  8. Please keep blank papers for rough work, pencils and erasers with you

  9. You are not allowed to use books, calculators, mobile phones or smart watches
